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Getting Ready for Ramadan in the Summer

Forgive Yourself for the Dread

It was inevitable: due to the fact that the Islamic calendar is lunar, it was inevitable that Ramadan was going to fall during the summer months. There is no need to remind anyone that this means that days are long, the days are hot, and the nights are very short. It is normal to feel a little dread. Fasting is difficult; God knows this, which is why there is such tremendous reward for completing the fasts. In fact, God says in a Prophetic tradition: "Fasting is for Me, and I Myself give the reward for it." This is assuming, of course, that there is no medical contraindication to fasting. The challenge is to overcome your fears and fast anyway, and through this, one can attain to piety.

Take Full Advantage of the Long Day

Given that Ramadan will be in the summer (for the next...ten years or so), it is an opportune time to take advantage of the fact that you can't eat or drink until late. It is the perfect time to read the Qur'an during all those hours of waiting to eat. It should be quite easy, in fact, to finish recitation of the entire Qur'an during Ramadan. Read up on the life story of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), or that book by Dr. Tariq Ramadan that you have been meaning to read but had, heretofore, no time to finish. Spend more time with the children; figure out how to have a good time without eating and drinking. Yes, it may not be the greatest that you can't eat until 8 PM, but make some lemonade out of those lemons. (Just make sure you drink it after sunset!)

Be Mindful of the Season

Like it or not, Ramadan is during summer now, and so be mindful of the heat and humidity. If you are tired during the day, do not hesitate to take a nap and rest. After sunset, make sure you drink plenty of fluids and stay well hydrated during the night. Try to avoid very salty foods so as to not be excessively thirsty during the next day. As a doctor, I would recommend avoiding any strenuous physical activity while fasting, if at all possible. And again, most importantly, if fasting causes you to become ill, do not continue, and seek medical help immediately. Islamic law has outlined alternatives to fasting for those who cannot fast due to medical or other reasons.

Rev Up Your Spirituality

It never ceases to amaze me how much food and drink takes up our mental energy. With that temporarily suspended, Ramadan allows us to focus on our inner selves, to nourish our spiritual self. So, take advantage of this: recite scripture, repeat the Names of God, learn about the faith, deepen the bond with God. Come out of Ramadan better than when you started it. This is the whole purpose of the fast as the Quran says: "O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for people before you so that you will (learn how to) attain God-consciousness" (2:183)

Strive to do Away with Bad Habits

The fast of Ramadan is more than simply a diet plan. It is a cleansing of both body and soul. While waiting for the day to end, work on improving those aspects of your character that may be lacking. Each one of us has our weaknesses and vices; each one of us can always be a better person, a better spouse, a better co-worker, a better child, a better sibling, a better relative, a better citizen. Strive during this blessed month of Ramadan to, once again, be better person at the end of the month than you were at the beginning.

Increase Your Charitable Giving

Good deeds are multiply rewarded during the month of Ramadan, and charitable giving is no different. Thus, try - as best as possible - to increase your charitable giving if possible. Indeed, these are quite difficult times, but the Lord is Most Gracious. Even if all you can give is $5, be assured that the Lord will accept this gift with tremendous gratitude and kindness. In addition, this is the month that many Muslims pay out their obligatory alms, or Zakat. So, don't forget to pay it, and take advantage of the tremendous reward and blessings that come with Ramadan.

Be Thankful and Happy

When the month does finally come to an end, be of good cheer. There is a reason that a holiday, Eid ul Fitr, follows the month of fasting. Turn to the Lord in gratitude and thanks for allowing you to participate in such an amazing act of public piety; an amazing act of spirituality and faith; an amazing act of physical restraint and self-control. And look forward to living out the rest of the year, hopefully, a much better person to boot.
Article source beliefnet

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